Duncan and Anne aid victims during a modern-day tragedy. In flashbacks to WWII London, Duncan and his mortal girlfriend Diane are trapped under a collapsed building. While aiding victims of an explosion at a subway station, Anne is trapped when the building collapses. Duncan and Richie overhear the news on the radio, and they go to help. In flashback to World War II London, Duncan and his mortal girlfriend Diane are trapped in a collapsed subway station during the blitzkrieg. This is a poorly written episode, as far as the women are portrayed. First, Ann, a very pregnant woman, ignores common sense, firemen, and her body, and goes into terrible danger. A building had an explosion, and people are trapped. So, despite the professionals telling her of the danger, she sneaks past these professionals with a fellow moron, and gets trapped and goes into labor. This reminds Duncan of another stupid woman who wouldn't listen to reason and avoid danger during the Blitz. She gives a very unprofessional radio broadcast, and survives due to dumb luck. I am very surprised women all over the world didn't boycott the show after this.
Rodefarry replied
330 weeks ago